Molecular Oxidizer

The Casino Air Molecular Oxidizer utilizes patented Singlet PentaRod Core design, a unique ‘double-dielectric-barrier micro-discharge’ technology, to create activated oxygen. The activated oxygen is injected into the HVAC system and circulated through the supply air ductwork and grilles.

Activated oxygen instantly oxidizes and totally eliminates tobacco odors and chemicals in the ventilated space. Over time, the activated oxygen oxidizes and eliminates the embedded odors which accumulate in the finish surfaces of all commercial businesses which cater to a smoking clientele.

Through oxidation, activated oxygen also destroys bacteria and virus, including the coronavirus.

Leading Edge Technology

Designed to solve the gaming industry’s biggest source of customer dissatisfaction.

Uses Pentarod Core technology to create activated oxygen

Instantly oxidizes odors and reduces eye-burning VOC's

Universally adaptable, models for every HVAC system and application

Low-maintenance, quarterly inspections in most applications

Zero replenishment expense, nothing to refill

Microprocessor-controlled sensors built into each oxidizer

All major components UL/CSA approved

Made in the U.S.A.

Casino Air is the leading innovator of tobacco smoke and odor abatement technology in the world. 


Casino Air, Inc.

300 James Way #140

Pismo Beach, CA



T: 800.488.2326


© 2025 All Rights Reserved, Casino Air Inc.